Daily Archives: March 7, 2010

Three Generations

Alas, the end of another weekend :( You know what though, weekends are always so glorious because we work hard for them! Imagine how boring they’d be if they were undeserved? :P

Remember that snack I was after last night? Here’s what I came up with…


Marshmallow protein pudding! I mixed up a scoop and a half of vanilla protein powder with a little water, then stirred in cinnamon, mini marshmallows and cheerios. It was delightful!

I had more dessert for breakfast today, the temptation was just too great!

A big hunk of my Nana’s banana bread toasted with cream cheese. As well as a couple boiled eggs on the side.

I’m on a boiled eggs kick. They are the perfect snack for a protein/fat boost.

My mom and I decided on a cardio day today, so I snacked on a Toasted Nuts n’ Cranberry Luna bar before going.


This is one of the “new recipe” bars, with only 170 calories now. I think it actually tastes better than the old kind, the fruit and nut chunks are larger.

At the gym I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the rowing machine and 10 minutes on the stairmaster. It was one of those days where I wasn’t feeling very motivated, but I knew doing a little bit on every machine would keep me entertained :)

I was a voracious beast by the time we got home, and my mom had the bright idea of cooking up some bison burgers.

No buns, but I just wanted the meat anyways ;) I’ve only tried bison once before and I wasn’t entirely sold. But my goodness it was goooood today. My mom said she just put bbq sauce, worchestire and curry in the mix? Regardless, it was heavenly. Perfect post-workout meal!

We also had a greek salad on the side.

And I apparently have a larger appetite than everyone, because I needed some extra baby carrots to fill me up.

I eat at least two servings of these bad boys a day, Seriously, how am I not orange??

Then we scooted over to my Nana’s to get a visit in before her curling started (curling does not make for very entertaining television…).

Here I am at my Nana’s. The bowl of grapes next to me significantly smaller…


And my mom. I think I can see that post-elliptical glow ;)

IMG_4614 And Nana!!

Three generations. I’ve got a lot to look forward to based on these two women!! My Nana will be 87 this spring and has been doing yoga for 5 years! I should also add that she’s never died her hair. My fingers are crossed I inherited her hair pigment ;)

Remember this picture I took of my mother’s yard yesterday?

Well I came home to my yard in Fredericton looking like this:


Crazy! We’re only a 90 minute drive apart, I can’t get over the difference. It was warmer in Freddy this weekend too. Running next weekend maybe??

I was totally bummed having to come back to the real world after my lovely weekend home. But a package hanging out of my mail box immediately lifted my spirits.

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Olympic mittens!! Thankyouthankyouthankyou Jaime!! I was lusting after her mitties during our blogger meet-up in Halifax a few weeks ago, and she got her mom to pick some up out West to send this way!! I feel like such a proud Canadian now – as I should dammit! We kicked some mayjah booty this year :D

I’m all out of groceries and wanted something super simple for dinner, so I tried out a sweet omelette that I’ve seen on a few blogs now.

I mixed up 1 scoop vanilla protein powder with 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/4 tsp baking powder and cinnamon and fried it up in a pan. It turned out kinda fluffy like a pancake, mostly due to the baking powder I added. I sandwiched some blueberry jam and almond butter in there. It was actually quite good! In the back is a sliced granny smith with cinnamon and honey.


Well, I’m going to get a few chores done to get ready for my busy week ahead. I will not be watching the Oscars tonight as they start at 9:30pm on the Atlantic coast, which is precisely this girl’s bedtime!! I’ve got a date with a spin bike at 6am tomorrow ;) Have a great start to your week!!

Question of the Day: What’s the best thing you ate this weekend? I love asking this question, as there’s always so many different answers! Mine was probably the above bison burger :)