Celebrating the small things

I just got back from a wonderful yoga class at my new gym! I’ve only ever done Iyengar classes before, so I was curious as to what it would be like. It was a class unique to our gym (rather than the pre-choreographed “Bodyflow” class). It was mostly Hatha style. Very light with a few tough holds and pretzel poses ;) Our instructor was awesome, very real and not intimidating in any way. We’ve got another winner at the new gym! :D

This was the view of the river from my new place when I got out of bed this morning:


Just the inspiration I needed to make Belgian waffles. Yup! I splurged on a Belgian waffle press. Not one of the fancy spinning ones, but it gets the job done ;)


I used my protein pancake recipe. In the blender went:

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese
  • 1/2 cup egg whites
  • 1 tbsp ground flax
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • cinnamon

I topped them with fresh blueberries and a fake syrup/maple syrup mix.


They came out so fluffy! The belgian press also works much faster than the small rectangular one my old roommie had. Makes having these on a workday much easier :)

I had more delicious food for supper…


Another reason why I love my new place! Unlike my old top-floor apartment, it’s in a basement. So even though it was 28 C today, I could still use the oven! Those aren’t fries, but an Yves veggie chicken burger cut into slices for fun dipping into plum sauce. That corn you see up there was the best I’ve had all season. I baked it in the husk for close to 30 minutes. I don’t have any salt or pepper (got lost in the move somewhere) so I just ate it straight up. So good! Corn is so sweet and juicy, there’s no reason to dress it up. I’ve learned my lesson.

I’m also all out of dark chocolate, so dessert was another great bite-sized sweet.


Dates! Stuffed with almond butter. I buy small soft dates because they’re cheaper. The big medjool ones are $12 a carton!!!

And look what the lovely (hilarious, inspiring, smarty pants, etc) Janetha sent me!!!


Made. My. Day Week. It should come as no surprise that the way to my heart is with food. Especially when that food is protein packed ;)

Most excited to try the cinnamon flavour!!


Thanks JB!! You’re the bestest!! :D


You may notice a huge chunk of my workday is missing from this post. That’s because I was busy as hell. My boss had me covering four events between 9am and noon. Sometimes I get the feeling he does this just to see if I can actually get to them all. Instead of being annoyed by this though, I get inspired. I am totally up to the challenge.

Taking on challenges and stepping out of comfort zones is something I talk about a lot. I’ve been very open about my history with social anxiety and agoraphobia. I truly believe that what has allowed me to overcome my anxiety disorder is learning to challenge it on a daily basis. If I haven’t done something that sends a surge of panic through my body, then I haven’t tried hard enough for the day.

My love for exercise definitely stems from this desire to challenge myself. I love putting my body through the wringer and seeing exactly what it can do.

Part of challenging yourself though, is recognizing your accomplishments. You have to remember to celebrate the small things. Today, I made it to all four events before noon, and ended up with a million great stories for my radio station. I was proud that I accomplished something that almost seemed impossible.

So how did I celebrate? I went to a yoga class and challenged myself in a room full of strangers. For the record, people with social anxiety disorders do not tangle their bodies up while surrounded by people they don’t know. But this is just one of the many things I force myself to do on a regular basis, because in the end, I never regret it.

So in celebration of my small accomplishments today, I’m asking you to do the same! Tell me one thing you’re proud of that you’ve done recently. Something that challenged you and you overcame, no matter how big or small!


And to finish it all off, I want to give a shout-out to Brie. She’s one of the many wonderful people I’ve met on the internet through my weight loss process. She just started her own blog: The Fit Bride. She’s planning her wedding and loves weight lifting as much as I do! :D (and is damn strong to boot)

Okay, I’m off to get all my stuff ready before my long run tomorrow. Seventy minutes planned! Night night!

Posted on September 3, 2009, in Challenges, Health, Workouts and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Oh that’s a good idea to cut the burger into strips! Almost like fries!!

  2. “My love for exercise definitely stems from this desire to challenge myself. I love putting my body through the wringer and seeing exactly what it can do.”

    This is exactly what I do daily. When I used to run as part of a team, my friends called me “the soul” because they said that I had the soul of the “true” athlete, I did my best all the time even when I did not have to.

    Today, I rode about 30 miles most of it uphill. I always remember my nick name and it motivates me even more.
    I push often. My body rewards me for the way I treat it.

    Loved the post.



  3. Good for you with all of the self-challenging. It’s always amazing what we can actually do versus what we think we can do.

    I like the little dates, too. It seems like you get more for the same weight LOL!

  4. Aww, thanks for the shout out! :)

    Group fitness classes are always a challenge the first time, but the second time around they’re much better. Good for you!

  5. yay i am glad they made it to you! i had to fill out like 18 documents and submit a urine sample just to get them mailed. sheesh, customs! the funniest thing is RIGHT after i got them for you i read your post that day that said you had to cut out your bar purchases to afford the gym. i wanted to say something so bad! haha.

    holler to the waffle iron purchase! and i love that you call it a “press” and marshall loves how you spell “flavour” (he is over my shoulder) you look good with that cinnnnamonnny goodness. i recommend getting it a tad melty, it was not on purpose it was left in my car but it was SO good that way!!

    as far as small things go, i finally documented a dinner i just cooked so i can add to my recipe page, which i have been meaning to do for over a month now! *pats self on back*

    love you lots susan!!

  6. I find it very inspiring that you have overcome social anxiety disorder. There are so many people who seem to suffer from it and I have only known a few that have been as motivated as you are to tackle the issue. :)

  7. Your apartment view is stunning! :D

    I LOVE hearing you talk about the challenges and triumphs you face. Not easy to do, not easy to talk about…but so inspiring. My biggest accomplishment lately has been picking myself up from the “slip” I had when I moved. Usually it just kind of spirals but I have gotten back on track :) With a lil’ help from my bloggie friends… ;)

  8. What a beautiful view you have! And a beautiful breakfast – great start to the day!!

    Congrats on your accomplishments – you’re exactly right- we all need to acknowledge those things more. Have a great day!

  9. I wish I had a waffle machine! I love the protein pancakes and I bet their delicious in waffle form!

    Great post about the challenges! Sometimes I’m afraid to do certain things.. even talk in class! (I have a public speaking fear!) But I’ve actually been asking the teacher questions.. and I feel great! haha

  10. I would really like a waffle iron/press thingy. The boy was actually talking about getting one yesterday…he is well trained! Ha.

    So happy for you finding awesome classes at the new gym. SUCH a good feeling. I am positively in love with yoga and can’t believe I put it off for so long…foolish.

    The breakfast looks up the wazoo good. Have a great weekend!

  11. good for your for challenging yourself – sometimes i think i am afraid to succeed (if that makes any sense?) so i may hold back/be lazy. but ya just gotta do it! so you are my inspiration!

    waffles. drool. yummmmm! and i LOVE fresh corn! sooo good! have a good weekend!

  12. I had to come back and provide an update. After running today, I remembered something else. When I started running (too many years ago :) ) it was not easy for me. I frequently stopped between runs and so on. Older runners encouraged me and told me that at some point my body would adjust and provide me what I demanded of it.

    I put in the “work” and got the results. No stopping now for me.

    The long runs are fun. I mean it. Just because when it starts getting hard, you think of all the triumphs of years past or think of what your body will be able to do because you are pushing through–and suddenly, you are having a great time again. :)


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