Cardio therapy

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your kind words on my last post!!! I almost didn’t post last night because I didn’t want to be a Debbie Downer. I want this to be a fun, sometimes informative blog, but I also want it to be real. Everyone breaks down sometimes, and I think it’s perfectly okay to do so!

Jenna put it really well, “most of the time when I do [cry], it’s out of frustration not sadness.”

Totally. There’s been a lot of frustration happening ‘round these parts!

But, I’m a firm believer that life is what you make of it. We’re all in charge of our own happiness. So today, I woke up with the goal of making it a better day.

And what’s a better way to start an awesome day than to skip on over to the gym?

That’s a total lie. I stumbled, puffy-eyed, sleep-deprived, and for some reason, really hungry. But once I got into it, I really got into it :)

Duration: 1:02
Calories: 498 (I note this only because it’s pretty high for a gym sesh!)
Max HR: 173
Avg HR: 146

5 minutes easy on the elliptical

Elliptical (front-drive, for the record ;) ):
1 minute level 6
2 minutes level 4
1 minute level 7
2 minutes level 5
1 minute level 8
2 minutes level 5
1 minutes level 7
2 minutes level 4
1 minute level 6
2 minutes level 3

3 alternating sets of jump squats and tricep dips, 10 reps each

2 minutes 5.5 mph
2 minutes 5.8 mph
2 minutes 6.1 mph
2 minutes 6.4 mph
2 minutes 6.7 mph

3 alternating sets of back extension and cable horizontal woodchop, 10 reps each

Rowing machine:
10 minutes, alternating overhand grip and underhand grip every 2 1/2 minutes

One 2 minute and 15 second plank. Boo. Ya. :D


This was basically a workout for someone with ADD :P I loved mixing up the strength and cardio instead of just splitting it into two parts. Good times at the campus gym. I’ll miss that place…


Oh, and the mood lifting didn’t stop there. It’s Waffle Wednesday y’all!!


Hello gorgeous! Two waffles with almond butter, yogurt, a sliced peach and cinnamon. Eaten on a paper plate because my real ones are in a box. Also eaten in bed because my table is gone.

I also want to mention that I tried making my daily iced coffee with cold water overnight. Usually, I brew iced coffee in the french press by pouring boiling water over the grinds, steeping for 4-5 minutes, pressing, then leaving it in the fridge overnight. But after reading Kath’s post where she used cold water, I wanted to give it a try, figuring it would save me the step of boiling water. It was a no-go. I let the cold water steep with the grinds in the fridge for 8 hours and it was much weaker. Some things I read said to soak it for at least 12 hours. But I like my coffee strong!!

I cut myself off from buying groceries this week so I wouldn’t be moving a bunch of food. I did however stock up on a few bars to replace the usual fruit I bring to work. Bad, I know. But they’re easier to pack than fresh fruit,


I should know better than to buy products called Slim Down, but this one intrigued me (and was on sale). It has 13g of protein for 180 calories. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture of the bar itself, because I ate it while walking somewhere (no time for a sit down snack, busy work day!). First off, I didn’t read the ingredients carefully enough in the store, and didn’t realize it had high fructose corn syrup. Secondly, the taste was “meh.” Kinda chalky. I still have this bar in another flavour to eat, but I otherwise won’t be buying them again.


I was staaaarving when I walked in the door at 4:30 pm and decided to just go ahead and make something to eat. Given the grocery and dishes situation, it was still pretty decent!


Soup! I forgot that I still had a few containers of this stuff in my cupboard.

I added a can of tuna and a couple spoonfuls of garbanzos to “beef” it up a bit. Not too shabby. Couldn’t even distinguish between the chicken and tuna!

Dessert was the last of my protein popsicles.


There will be more experimenting with this when I’m in my new place. Just think of the possibilities!


So I wouldn’t say I’m 100% a-okay yet. But I’m definitely 50% better than yesterday. After working nine days straight, I have these next two days completely off to prepare for moving this weekend (which I still have to work). Having some spare hours to myself should help a lot.

So today’s question is, what did you do for yourself today that made you happy? My gym session was definitely my highlight. I really realized how much I rely on exercise now to release my stress and anxiety. Much better than the full-blown panic attacks I used to have.

Oh, and I woke up this morning to discover my cable’s been shut off! Not cool! How am I going to watch the Real World tonight!? :P

Hope you had a great hump day!

Posted on August 26, 2009, in Health, Lessons Learned, Workouts and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. I took a few minutes just to cuddle with one of my cats. She likes to squeak at me loudly when she wants attention…I’m thinking I should take it as her saying “hey, slow down and enjoy yourself a little!” Very few things make me happier than hearing her little purr.

  2. Your waffles are gorgeous – paper plate and all! Weak coffee should be illegal!

    I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better! Hopefully tomorrow you’ll be 75% if not 100% :)

    I got my work project done (I think) so that made me happy – I get a sense of satisfaction when I finish things!

  3. Glad you are doing better!

    Funny how I love coffee, but am not a big fan of iced coffee.

    I find petting the cat is a great stress reliever or puttering around in my garden :D

    Are you looking for a new gym?

    • thegreatbalancingact

      Lori, you bet I am! I might actually head up to a place tomorrow to check it out. I thought about joining the Y so I’d have pool access too, but their hours aren’t great and they don’t have much for classes. I’d like to find a place that does spin and some form of yoga. Too bad it’s going to cost me an arm and a leg!

  4. those waffles look amazing!

    i feel ya on the funk…i’ve been in one for a couple days now, and am trying to get out. it probably didn’t help i skipped my run tonight, because that always helps. oh well, maybe a good night’s sleep will do me some good.

    good luck with everything – just remember, everything’s okay in the end. if its not okay, then its not the end :)

  5. Love that waffle combo, I tried it this weekend! My run today was my happy-me-time.

  6. Aw, I’m so proud of you Susan for taking the incentive to turn things around by changing your perspective! You’re awesome! Tomorrow it’ll be 100%, I guarantee it!
    And haha, saw your twitter on waffle wednesday….I have to resort to frozen waffles, but I like mine topped with syrup AND a poached runny egg and crumbled goat cheese…TRY it!

  7. This is awful, but I seriously do not know what I did for myself today! Oh parenthood lol. Anyway, the waffles look fab. Who knew so much delicious-ness could fit on a waffle?

  8. Glad you are feeling better, Susan… Waffles definitely help :D I always forget about soup as a snack/meal… I enjoy it when I eat it, but it never occurs to me to buy or make it!

    Hmm. What I did yesterday to feel better? I gave your post a lot of thought (my post later is along the same lines!) and spent time emailing friends… :D

  9. aw sweetie i just saw your post from yesterday. i know that feeling when everything just feels like TOO MUCH. just remember, after this weekend, no matter how stressful and awful it is, it will be OVER and a lot of those things will be done and sorted and it will be behind you. sounds like you did a kickass job of putting on a happy face today. every little thing helps sometimes!

    i love to read, or cook my favorite foods, or go somewhere that makes me happy, like the beach. i know you are so crazed but try to take a little time for yourself if you can!

  10. Way to mix it up at the gym! Sounds like a fun/interesting workout.

    I’m with you on the workouts making me feel good! I was in a bit of a funk earlier this week and my NROL4W workout yesterday was the perfect antidote. I’m packing on the pounds, and succeeding at heavier weights! Did my heaviest deadlift yet at 100lbs yesterday! Not world class or anything, but I was ecstatic!

  11. It’s hard for me when I get into a funk because I have so many small children. They don’t get the “funk!”

    Your workout sounds fun, and those waffles are to die for!

  12. hi lady! i just returned from the post office ;) DUDE that is quite the workout, i have found that alternating strength and quick bursts of cardio is the way to go. your routine looks fabulous, i should try that out soon. of course peaches atop AB atop waffles is heaven in breakfast form. love it. and adding tuna to soup just may be the smartest idea i’ve read today. i always have both on hand! i really want to make some sort of protein popsicle… i have lemonade flavored protein powder, wow hmmm wheels turning. well i havent done much for myself today, but i did buy a car last night so i am still basking in the happiness of that! xo

  13. I only just got to read yesterday’s post – sorry you were feeling so crappy but glad you seem to be doing a whole lot better today. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Moving house when you have a schedule like that is 100% crazy town.
    Somehow your eats still look gourmet – I don’t know how you do it! Those waffles? Hubba hubba! I need to remember waffle wednesday once in a while!

  14. I think I am definitely going to try that treadmill circuit. I like that it gradually builds up.
    I am really behind on my blog reading so forgive me for flooding your inbox with comments ;)

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