A Frittata For Your Thoughts

Happy Sunday!


As I lay in bed this morning thinking about food, as I am wont to do, I realized we had the makings of a great frittata sitting in the fridge as leftovers.


Have you ever made frittata before? I used to make them all the time during my weight loss days. One giant slice is usually low in calories and high in protein.


All you have to do is pick the veggies you want as the filling, sauté them with whatever spices you like, turn the heat down, then pour an egg/milk mixture over the veggies in the pan. How many eggs you use depends on the size of your pan, but a medium pan is generally 6-8 eggs. I like to use buttermilk or yogurt instead of milk sometimes too to make the eggs fluffy.

From there you let the eggs “set” on medium-low heat for about 10 minutes. Until the edges are solid, but still liquid in the middle. Sprinkle cheese on top, wrap the pan’s handle in tinfoil if it’s not cast iron, and stick the whole thing under the broiler for about 3-5 minutes.


Today’s mix included potato, mini portobellos, corn, green onion, smoked paprika, and goat yogurt instead of milk. Sprinkled with old cheddar on top. A nice surprise for my dad and sister to wake up to this morning!

Instead of yammering on today, I want to ask you for some feedback. I have never done this before and I find myself increasingly curious about it. For new and old readers alike, what brings you to my blog? What about this blog in particular keeps you coming back? What are some of your favourite topics? Are there any other topics you’d like to see featured more often? I’m a big girl, I can handle constructive criticism. Please comment below, leave a note on my Facebook page, tell me on Twitter, or pop me an e-mail at thegreatbalancingact@gmail.com. Thank you!!

Posted on August 28, 2011, in Recipes and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 88 Comments.

  1. I enjoy blogs where the writers find there way through life and don’t pretend to have it all together. You never did as you changed to jobs you loved and moving. It reminds me I’m not crazy for doing the same.

    Also I love great tips and recipes your yours had quite the combo. :-)

    • I agree completely :) You didn’t come on my radar until the whole cancer thing, but I’m glad you did. I am always looking for new blogs to follow, and yours stuck.

  2. I keep coming back because I know you’ll tell it to me straight. I love your honesty!

  3. I know good writing when I see it, Susan, and you are a SPECTACULAR writer! You also write in a way that flows well and I can read it with ease, knowing exactly what you mean and how these thoughts “speak out” in your mind as you’re writing them. (not sure if that makes sense).

  4. I come back because your writing is brave, interesting and inspiring. I like that you talk about health, wellbeing and food. It’s fascinating to see pictures and hear from a part of the world that’s hundreds of miles away from where I am. Mostly, I really like the fact that you can write about the big stuff one day (Cancer is pretty big as these things go) but the next day you can write about the small stuff – marshmallow fluff! Cause that’s what life is.

  5. Well I found you through the Project Food Blog challenge when you did the beer dinner party so I guess that the reason I like your blog is that even though you were in a health related job you still had fun with food. There are a lot of blogs out there where it’s salad, salad, salad and then a square of chocolate for a treat which just doesn’t seem like a real balance to me.

    Also I am really nosy and love reading about other people’s lives. Page after page of recipes does nothing for me.

  6. what brings me here? YOU!!!

    you’re funny, real, you can cook, you have great pics, you have enough ‘life stories’ to tell to last 17 lifetimes (the opposite of blogs i go to and they do the same thing every day or they do nothing!)…your blog is always authentic and real. Just like you :)


  7. p.s. recipe w/ marshmallow fluff to be posted within the next 24 hrs on my site :)

  8. I found you via Eden Eats and the Great Fundraising Act! I was inspired by your story and outlook on your diagnosis. I wanted to follow along and root for you!

    I like blogs that keep it real.

    Your photos are lovely as well!

  9. I like the tone of your writing. You make optimism realistic! And the honesty. And your sense of humour.

  10. The honesty that flows from your writing, your topics and your photos is infectious. I can’t think of any single thing that keeps me coming back every day. The best blogs are those that are personal and yours certainly is. I can tell you write for yourself first and for your followers second and that’s the way it should be. I am a foodie and love it any time you talk about food. I am really into fitness and weight loss and like to read some of that, but to be honest I now think I know enough about the topics that I am easily bored. I enjoyed your foray to the coast. And, as always, I want to know how your treatment and recovery goes. We are all voyeurs and I think we love to peek inside someone’s personal life – the joys and the struggles.

    • I agree with Greg’s sentiments. You tackle topics that are scary and uncomfortable, but your honest writing and perspective is infectious. I love your journalistic style. You are the pioneer to a whole new level of “healthy/whole living blogging,” and you have opened my mind so much on the true simple pleasures of life. I feel so connected to you even though we have never met; in fact, if we were to ever cross paths in real life, I would probably get all nervous and giddy, as though you were a celebrity! You are a true example of how fine writing and insight can inspire.

  11. I’ve been reading daily since I first discovered you…what, 2/3 years ago? During reporter days before your tri! I was hooked from the beginning because of who you are. Beyond the triathlon, beyond the mutual love of tzatziki, beyond cancer, beyond accidents and despite the fact that I know that wraps are better than pita bread ;) I love that your blog has changed as you’ve changed and you keep coming back, keep writing, keep sharing and keep telling it like it is. You don’t try to be something you’re not, and you don’t give up which is something that struck me from day 1 and has been a quality that has continued to shine through and grow. I was able to relate to you from almost the very start when you shared with me some similar struggles with anxiety/depression.

    (I kept writing more but emailing you the rest… xxx )

  12. I love your writing style. You know how to tell a story!

    As for the frittata, that looks so good. I never make them because we don’t have any pans that I trust in the oven. I need to get over that or just buy a cast-iron skillet. I have a craving now!

  13. i was introduced to your blog by TGFA and was instantly drawn to it for the obvious reasons (intrigue/shock/amazement about the cancer diagnosis & voyeuristic tendencies of wanting to know what its like), BUT I also fell in love with your beautiful writing style and your candidness. I think I see your blog as a “healthy lifestyle” blog – not just a food blog or an exercise blog, or a cancer blog. Right now, your “healthy lifestyle” just happens to include trying to get rid of cancer, but that doesn’t define the blog.
    At any rate, I love your style & I’ll keep coming back : )

  14. I started reading you blog when someone recommended it as a place to find workouts. I do really enjoy the pre-made workouts you have archived for those days when I just can’t/don’t want to take the time to come up with something on my own. I kept reading your blog because I really enjoy your honesty and the whole “balancing act”. It’s tough to lead a balanced life, and as someone else pointed out, you’ve never acted as if you had all the answers, but you take us as readers on your journey. I hadn’t been to your blog in a few months and was sad to learn of your recent cancer diagnosis. My thoughts are with you as you continue on this new journey and i’m wishing you the very best. I don’t really have any criticisms of your blog, I just enjoy reading your story!

  15. I just think your a fantastic writer. I like to find something special in blogs – I’ve always read your blog, but I became an every day reader after your diagnoses – because I find inspiration in your courage and your attitude. I makes me want to seize the day more!
    I also think that you are very real and I appreciate that in a blogger!! :)

  16. I don’t have a blog myself, but I follow Courtney (sweet tooth sweet life) and julie (pbfingers). I saw where they helped out in the Great Fundraising Act (I think that’s the name of it) and I’ve been following your blog ever since. I’m only 18 and reading your battle with cancer thus far has brought me to tears. Girl, you are strong and I have faith that you will overcome this time in your life. Praying for you!

  17. Your blog is definitely one of my favorites because you don’t sugarcoat a single thing. You tell it like it is and that honesty appeals to me, and other readers, because we know that it’s really you behind the words and not someone trying to fit into a blogger cookie cutter, you know?

  18. Interesting you should ask!

    I stumbled onto your blog right after you announced your diagnosis. I recommended Dan Shapiro’s book to you.

    What keeps me coming back? Your spirit, your drive, and your determination for life. This statement is unrelated to your cancer; rather, I read your old posts and love your zest for life and your belief in balance.

    Keep going strong!

  19. Dreaming of frittatas is a good way to start the day : ) and they’re best with leftovers from the fridge like you’ve done here.
    I don’t remember how I found your blog but I’ve kept reading because your story is both touching and engaging. It is so heartbraking to read about someone my own age going through such trials but I can tell that you have the spirit to keep living and enjoying life!

  20. I feel as if your true voice flows through your writing. There is just something about your style that draws peoplein; your warmth, your kindness and honesty…it’s all there.

    You’re the sort of person I would love to have as a friend in real life. Maybe that’s part of what keeps me coming back.

  21. I started following your blog after reading about the great fundraising act on a few other food blogs. I just graduated from medical school and am a resident in Internal Medicine. I am planning on doing a fellowship in Oncology. I believe we are about the same age (I’m 26), and as a young female physician I find your story and writing inspiring. It is hard as a doctor to see illness through the eyes of a patient instead of your own. You remind me of the human side of medicine (which is truly why I wanted to become a physician). Often we write prescriptions without thinking about side effects or cost. We just know they are “right” (scientifically speaking) for a patient, but we can often forget there is a person on the other side who is dealing with a lot more than we could ever imagine. I love your honesty and I know reading your blog helps me to relate better to my patients. Keep up the wonderful attitude and spirit. Thanks again for writing.

  22. I didn’t read all of the other posts, but I seriously get excited when I see one of your new posts in my email inbox. I go through, Delete the garbage, read the ads and save your post for last:) I found you through the fundraising efforts via a cooking site I also follow. SO happy to have been able to find you.

    Interestingly, this past year has found me making over my life to eat healthier, etc… and try to encourage my family to do so, as well. I love your recipes, I love your stories. I love how real you are.. You make me want to write:)

    I am seriously pulling for you to get healthy, and stay that way. I’m enjoying that you’re allowing us to peek into your life! Thank you!

  23. What brought me here was Janetha … and the fact that my cousin and a dear friend are both kicking cancer’s butt right now. What has kept me here is you. As each day goes by I find I care more and more about you and the battle you are waging. I want to cheer you on. My bud, Mike, is fighting bone cancer. He just finished his chemo and had two ribs removed. His sternum goes next month. I hurt so much for him, and your blog has really helped me to understand what he is going through and what he needs. You’re touching many lives, Susan. I appreciate your honesty and the fact that you aren’t afraid to show your vulnerability. Your writing is honest and genuine. Someday I want to read that book you’re thinking about writing.

  24. I found your blog through another bloggers after your were diagnosed and am so glad I found you! Even though we’ve been through very different situations, I feel like we can relate to things on a lot of levels and I always appreciate finding other young people who can do that. I also enjoy your writing, your sense of appreciation for life and the fact that you’re putting your experiences out there – cancer or no-cancer.

    I also REALLY need to make more on-the-go breakfasts and frittata’s are on the list. Delicious.

  25. Hi Susan,
    I read your blog to enjoy great writing, to learn from the way you approach problems, and for the recipes.
    From Sam.

  26. I’ve been here since day one because I like you. I stay because you remind me of myself in a lot of ways–we both have ups and downs and struggles and are honest about them. I also like you because you strike a good balance between being a recipe blog and being a daily lifecasting blog–I don’t like blogs that are all recipes, no context, but I do like the stuff you make and have incorporated a lot of it into my daily life (protein pancakes, breakfast cookies, etc).

    And now, I also read in a protective mama bear kind of way–I want to make sure you’re hanging in there, and give you hugs when you need them.

  27. I think you have an incredible voice and your writing is just so easy to read. I come back day after day because I think your style of writing is… addicting, for lack of a better word! You are also really good about changing up the topics of your posts, which keeps the content fresh and interesting.

  28. I heard about your blog through the Great Fundraising Act. Ultimately I stayed because of how honest and interesting your blog posts were. You have some great writing skills :)

  29. I read your blog because I love you! (Not supposed to sound quite so creepy lol). I started reading back when you had Trying for a Tri and followed you over here as well. I find your ability to balance health, life, fun, fitness, and food inspiring and as I struggle with my many issues I look to you as a role model. Although I’m certainly not happy about your current cancer situation, I am happy you are opening up and sharing it on the blog. I think you truly do balance a little bit of everything on your blog and wouldn’t change a thing!

    Nicole G

    PS. If I had to add something to the blog it would be more Harry Potter talk ;)

  30. I first saw your blog through your sister, we have been friends since high school. She had posted the Great Fundraising Act on FB. It’s weird because I’ve never really been drawn to blogs before, but found myself reading through your old and new posts.. I really liked “10 Ways To Live The Life You’ve Always Wanted”. I keep coming back to hear about your progress. I am truly inspired by your strength! Sending more positive vibes your way!

  31. You have a blunt, honest, quirky writing style that is easy to read. Every blog post feels intimate – almost like catching up with a friend.

    I read a lot of food/health blogs but I read yours every day. Your health situation reminds me a lot of something I went through. I check in on your little corner of the web usually every morning with my coffee because I want to make sure you’re ok.

    Your blog posts about the hospital really remind me of my ordeal and I’ll be honest – sometimes I get emotional reading your posts.

    I like hearing updates from you and making sure you’re ok.

    Also (this is a bit dumb) – I love that you’re Canadian too :)

  32. Your Writing is real, honest and brave. I’ve found your blog when the fundrasiser was going on and I’m so glad I did. Your posts are so emotional and brave and so well written. I admire you and I don’t even really know you.. Yet I feel like I do through your blog. I’ll always keep coming back to see how u are doing with your hodgins diagnosis.

  33. Hi Susan, I’m not sure how I exactly came across your blog but it was way back when you lived in your tiny little apartment that shared the bedroom and living room. I liked that you were on the East coast of Canada. My Mum is from Saint John NB and I used to spend my summers as a child there with my Nana and at her cottage in Minto.
    I know you don’t “know” me but I feel like we are great friends. I’ve been there for you through a boy break up, many jobs, homes, travels, workouts and cooking. I live just outside of Toronto and my friend Stephanie, who also reads religiously, went to the fabric district just out from where you were living. We kept saying “how weird would it be to bump into Susan”.
    I have to be honest and say that I let out a loud audible WTF when I read your fateful tweet about the cancer diagnosis. I really don’t think there are appropriate words to cover what I feel. I think it majorly sucks, and shouldn’t happen to anyone let alone you. Just keep being your awesome self and kick it to the curb. You ROCK!

  34. I found your blog on the YACC facebook page. I keep coming back to see how your day was and how the battle is going. I root you on on a daily basis as we both kick cancer’s ass from across Canada.

    I love your cooking tips as they inspire me to stop eating the same thing everyday. You make it look easy (until I try it and find it’s not, haha.) My specialty, and by that I mean the only thing I can make, is a cheese sandwich. I’m like a tea and toaster without the tea, and I’m not 70 yrs old yet. The pictures of the delicious food make my mouth water, especially the sweet treats (icing!!!.)

    I am somewhat addicted (in a healthy way) to exercise, so I like reading the tips you include on that topic also. Your blog is a perfect example of healthy living, even in the midst of disease.

    I also love seeing the pictures of your beautiful cottages and the mini travels you make.

    Your blog is like a real life novel that I look forward to reading everyday. Honestly I have many blogs bookmarked on my computer, but I only look at your’s daily.

    Carolyn :)

  35. I am a new subscriber to your blog. I continue to read because I like the honest and open way you speak about your life. Good things and bad. My cousin was diagnosed 18 months ago with Stage 4 breast cancer. Fortunately her treatment is working well. She’s got small children ages 2, 8, and 10. We are as close as sisters and I see her going thru much of the same issues that you are going thru. She’s thru with chemo (for now) and she claims that she’s sick only because they tell her she is, otherwise she wouldn’t know it. She feels well. I do wish the very best for you in all ways!

    • People who go through treatment with small children to look after are my own superheroes!! Happy to hear your cousin is making out all right, and thank you for the comment :)

  36. agh I LOVE frittatas! Anytime we’re standing around wondering what to have for dinner I suggest frittata and my mom goes NUTS about them. My dad even eats them even though they’re a little out of his comfort zone (combine bacon, potatoes, eggs, and cheese and you can’t go wrong). My 2-year-old likes them too (see parenthetical comment above)! I used to make them a lot when I didn’t have any money but now I love them because they’re easy to make, filling, and make great use of leftovers. Great for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and you can eat them hot or cold! Now I want some…..

    I came across your blog when I was searching for blog-writing tips. As for what keeps me reading, it’s a lot of things. I love food and nutrition. I love good writing. I love exercise. Your blog has all of these things! :) I like seeing your pictures too, I’ve never been to Canada and it’s always interesting to me to see how people live in different parts of the country/continent/world. I started reading ACD (after cancer diagnosis) so I like getting a daily dose of positive attitude as I try to convert myself to a more positive mentality, but I also appreciate the posts where you’re not at your most positive because it makes me realize that to be a positive person doesn’t mean sunshine and rainbows all the time, everybody has their days and nobody can be Captain Smileyface all the time. I love your account of your cancer treatments, all I’ve ever heard about chemo/cancer is “it sucks” but you actually SHOW us what is happening during your treatments and to your body in a way that many people would be too weak or scared to show.

    That said, I also like reading your entries BCD, mostly to ogle pictures of your meals and get workout tips (love the living room workout). Also I think people have a curiosity to get a peek into other people’s lives and I’m sure that has something to do with it to.

  37. Well I found your blog right when you were diagnosed with lymphoma… I came back because I was curious about the process but I realized that I like the way you blog. Unlike other bloggers, you are real. You tell as it is and don’t try to pretty it up.

  38. What I like about your blog, all of which are probably not surprising: the writing, the photos, and most of all, your point of view! You’re a lot like myself, so I find you interesting to read about, etc. The cancer prognosis has made me more interested, honestly, because it’s a unique thing. I actually read the blog of someone else who had cancer while she was going through it, although hers was much, much different. I love how it changes people’s perspectives on life. Things go from “shallow” to “deep” in a somewhat drastic manner, if that makes sense.

    (oh and btw – about that recipe book I’m sending you. now it’s 3 books. I go overboard sometimes. hehe. so now I’m waiting on one of them and your package will wait until I get back from DC in a few days!)

  39. You were the first blog I ever read, back before you did the tri. I keep coming back because I like learning about a different part of the world and you are a fabulous writer, I enjoy your style!

  40. I came across your blog via The Fitnessista – she wrote briefly about your cancer fundraising. I stopped by to have a look and very much enjoyed your writing. I;ve since looked back at many of your older posts. I live in Tasmania so I may just be one of your most distant readers!

  41. Hi Susan! I found your blog from someone in the weight loss blog community. I believe it might have been Lori of Finding Radiance. Like so many others, I enjoyed your writing and wanted to follow your journey. I’m in the process of working my way through all your backposts because I want to know you as a total person and not just think of you as someone fighting lymphoma. I fight severe Rheumatoid Arthritis every day,but want people to know me as Sharon and not just the woman with Arthritis. I suspect you feel the same, so knowing you pre-Lymphoma is important to me. I love learning about the area of Canada where you live. It is on our travel list and you are making me want to move it to the top of the list. Keep fighting, girl! You are doing great. Sharon

  42. Hi!
    I found you via Fitnessista also. Through the fundraising stuff.
    I’ve read lots of your older stuff, and check your blog out daily. I LOVE reading well-written, interesting blogs. And since my mom is also fighting cancer, I can sort of relate to you.

  43. Maybe I’m a bit late for commenting, but I just have to say what I like about your blog and you.
    You are so incredible. Your writing style and your humour was what caught my attention, not to mention all those yummy meals you’ve posted. Real food, with perfect amounts of “healthy” and “indulgent”.
    When you broke your elbow, I saw how much strength is in you, and even do when you are afraid, or not so optimistic, you have so much wisdom in you, it’s amazing and inspiring. Now, with the cancer treatment that you’re going to, I always look forward on reading your posts, seing how well you’re doing, and every time I do that, I am reminded how life is precious and wonderful.
    So, thank you for being my inspiration :)

  44. I come back because I think we have a lot in common! Both journalists turned trainers turned journalists again. :) I’ve read your blog since the early stages and feel like I “know” you, so I want to be sure all is well in your world!

  45. I found your blog through The Great Fundraising Act & have been a dauly reader ever since. Your outlook on you diagnosis & life in general is amazing. You write from the heart & even though I am miles & miles away (I live in Tennessee) I feel like I know you. Your pictures are awesome & it is great seeing everyday life in a different part of the world. Best wishes!!

  46. I continue reading your blog because it comes through in your writing that you are a real woman, with interesting, intelligent things to say. You are going through a tough time right now and you are able to express fear, hope, humorous sarcasm and honesty as you move along on your journey. I find that you inspire me to be a better woman! Also, I get the feeling that we would be good friends if we met. That sense of comfort also keeps me coming back as a reader.

  47. I’ve been reading your blog for a long while now. The simple answer as to why I keep coming back – you’re real. You tell stories. You give recipes. You are completely relatable. You aren’t afraid to share the good, the bad and the downright awful. And while I might not be going through the same things at the same time, I am cheering you on with every post.

    As a side note – I saw the yarn pics…do you knit or does that belong to someone else? I’ve wanted to learn for ages and am finally doing it!

  48. I don’t remember exactly how I came to find your blog, maybe from the fundraiser, but regardless, I started following because you are an absolute inspiration. You are a fighter, and courageous, and inspiring. I recently lost a friend to cancer, and his spirit reminded me of yours, so I’m reading and praying for your continued healing!

  49. I have been around since the NROL days on Livestrong. I started reading your first blog because I knew you from the group but stayed because you are so funny and you write so well. I think your blog lives up to it’s name. It’s well balanced. Each day brings something different. It could be food, exercise, or a trip to the cottage. Sometimes it’s serious, sometimes it’s funny, and sometimes it’s heartbreaking. It has the edge on other blogs because it never makes me roll my eyes! Most blogs seem so fake, but not this one! I am always interested in reading what is going on with you. I guess to sum it up I think of you as a friend and who doesn’t like to check up on their friends daily?

  50. For new and old readers alike, what brings you to my blog? I found you thru Caitlin @ Healthy Tipping Point. It was when you first learned you had cancer.

    What about this blog in particular keeps you coming back? I want to keep updated on your progress ~ I admire your bravery and courage you have shown. I also love your writing. I have lots of friends/family that have been affected by cancer.

    Check out Guardians of the Ribbon. http://www.pinkfiretrucks.org/ Friends of mine just started up the Wichita, KS Chapter. http://pinkhealskansas.org/Links.html A great organization to get involved in.

    What are some of your favourite topics? I haven’t gone back and read your previous posts.


  51. Hey Susan! I stumbled upon your blog through Google+ a month or so ago – some tech bigwig’s post asked for blog recommendations and someone else commented and linked to your blog. I’ve stuck around because you always have something worthwhile to say, making even the mundane interesting. I appreciate fitness and food tips, and unlike other health sites, you put a positive spin on everything. It’s encouraging. And I also like to read daily perspectives of people from other countries, even if you’re only just north of us Americans. Healthcare is especially intriguing. By the way, I made a frittata yesterday after I read your Sunday post. I’m a big egg/egg white fan but somehow I had forgotten about frittatas. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • I had no idea someone recommended me on Google+! I haven’t opened it since signing up. Maybe I should get on that?

      • G+ is a good social networking site for discussion and interaction. You have to circle enough interesting people though so as not to have an empty stream, but if you circle too many you might mind all the noise. Once you play with it a bit you’ll figure out how to make it suit your needs. I recommend checking out http://www.recommendedusers.com/ as a starting point for discovering people and also the Women of Google+ at http://www.womenofgplus.com/

  52. When I came across your blog and read thru a couple posts, I was hooked instantly to your style of writing. The other reason I kept coming back was because I haven’t found that many blogs that I love that are written by Canadians…
    I just love how real your posts are! Keep it up!

  53. i am a relatively new follower. i guess i just enjoy reading your posts because you are real and wise and i like what you have to say and the candor with which you express it! i have cancer in my family and follow many blogs of people fighting cancer. maybe someday our paths will cross (i live in florida) but until then i will support and follow you through this graceful and brave journey through cancer and wellness! all the best — you are pretty awesome :)

  54. I’m a new reader! I found you when my friend Rachel (www.rachelwilkerson.com) passed on the link about your fundraising auction. I keep reading because I want to be another person in your (virtual) corner, cheering you on through this cancer battle!

    I like how your posts range from meals/recipes to inspiration/perspective/food for thought to travels to updates on your treatment. Keep up the good work :)

    On a side note, I really liked that you decided to write about setting goals during cancer treatment. When my grandma was sick, it was a big motivation for her to work towards small goals, and I think it helped make the daunting cancer journey seem a little less overwhelming.

  55. I love your blog!
    I enjoyed it BC (before cancer!)but I find drawn to it these days,
    really ever since your skating accident.Why is that?Well,of course I want to check in and hear how you are doing and cheer you on,but that
    isn’t what has changed.I think I am more drwn to it now because you are not trying to write stuff that you think may appeal to readers,but instead I feel you are writing just what comes to mind and what you feel like writing.I love that.I also love that you are a great writer,
    but still just love that you write what you want in your own unaffected
    wonderful manner.Whether serious,sad, peppy or silly or reflective or even scary…..write on Susan!

    If I was to suggest anything,it would be to not give a care to what the reader’s might want in your mind.Being true to yourself is a special thing,and it brings me back to your b,og day after day.it’s not even really the content,it’s that you seem to just be YOU and it makes for a very easy and pleasurable read,sometimes silly,sometimes moving.

    Kudos on the writing skills,and how weird to think darn cancer may have brought extra readers to your blog, but it is YOU that will bring many of them to return.(I have been reading for at least a year before I think!!)

  56. My cousin introduced me to your blog; we’re both healers and she knew I would be interested in how your cancer is being treated both medically and personally. I was hooked immediately.

    I enjoy your writing style, the snapshots into your personal life, and your candid approach to addressing “life and cancer,” rather than “life with cancer.” And, while I’ve never met you, I care.

    Blessings! :-)

  57. Oh! And foodie things like the frittata and the boiled icing! :-)

  58. I came across your blog from Fitnessista’s blog, and instantly became enamored with your realism. You don’t sugar coat anything, yet you roll with the punches and make the best of life. You’re such an inspiration to all women!!!

  59. i love that your blog is random. it makes me feel like i’m reading about a real person. your latest post (or the one after this, i guess) is a good example of that.

  60. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile- love how you address a variety of topics (feels like even more so lately) so I always have a little surprise when I’m checking your blog :) Also I just enjoy hearing about your life and perspective on things.

  61. I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle and had been following Fitnessista.com for a short while when she one day posted about your cancer diagnosis. I had just had a friend diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, so I was immediately drawn into your story. You write beautifully, have a wonderful attitude, and I look forward to reading your blog all the way through to your return to health and beyond!!!

    Peace and blessings,

  62. I saw your blog mentioned as a fundraiser on another blog (can’t remember which one). I work in a hospital in Denver, Colorado in the bone marrow/stem cell transplant program for patients with leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma and other diseases. I am also active in raising funds for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by training with Team in Training for a marathon. Last year it was the San Diego marathon and this year I am going to Dublin in October to do the marathon there. I see patients like you every day and just want to say – keep up the fight, you can beat this! .

  63. I came across you from another blog. I’m from Fredericton and well I had to read a fellow Maritimer’s blog. I think of you often.

    Hang in there

  64. Susan, I actually started reading you through someone Else’s blogroll. Honestly my heart went out to you. I had been doing a lot of research to combat my own health crisis and since my experiences I now share with who ever is open to wanting to be well. I often run into people who want to label themselves or others, i.e. vegan, vegetarian etc. the truth is balance is really the key and that balance isn’t found in a textbook. Anyway your journey is compelling not only to beat cancer but to find balance.

  65. Hearing of the recent fundraiser brought me to your blog. Making sure you’re alright is what keeps me coming back. :)

  66. I read your blog because you are my long time friend and I truly love to stalk you. But initially, I read your blog because you have a way of combining honesty, humor, tasty recipes, amazing photos with a touch of dogs in such a way that it’s too hard to not come back. I am sure that journalism background helps the cause, you are an amazing writer and each post seems to be so thought out and well written. okay, i know you asked for criticism.. but i have none. sorry! :) <3

  67. I learned of your blog via a mention of your fundraiser, so I’m a recent visitor. I keep reading because of the honesty and humanity with which you communicate about your unexpected life turns. None of us know what challenges we might have to face tomorrow, and you’ve definitely been faced with some big, life-changing ones! Please keep posting about your evolving attitude toward health and fitness. The most interesting people (and blogs) are those who are dynamic and continually learning, and your journey certainly is an evolution. Sending you good thoughts!

  68. 1) You’re an incredibly positive person.

    2) Your healthy recipes (even the not-so-healthy) look amazingggg and are simple! I’m not so creative when it involves creating a healthy dish.

    3) Witty, fun, interesting life lessons

    I found your blog through the livestrong forums when you posted a link a few years ago :D

    On a completely unrelated note, (and I hope this doesn’t offend anyone in any way) but I am incredibly curious if this thought ever ran through your mind when you first found out you had cancer. From all the x-rays you have received for your elbow, did you ever suspect that that might have been a contributing factor for the development of cancer? I’ve pondered this ever since you first made the announcement. (I’m naturally very paranoid, though.)

    • I think about this all the time! I think they are related. Maybe I had the cancer before the accident, which led to such a bad break and why the bones never healed (they actually deteriorated after the surgery). But also, cancer can be caused by physical trauma, it can stimulate abnormal cell growth in the healing process, so maybe the accident made the cancer speed up too. What I always wonder, is if there were ways the cancer could have been detected in February if it was already there. A lot of surgeons do chest x-rays before anaesthesia to make sure the lungs are good enough for surgery. Mine didn’t because it was an emergency surgery… but would that have shown anything?? Ahhhh, the questions!!

  69. What keeps me coming back has changed over time. Now some of it has to do with keeping tabs on you & how you are feeling etc.

    Prior to getting sick, you had interesting posts abt fitness plus great recipes. Also the great photos. Love your honesty & writing style. But in the end I go back to a blog for the person behind it. Not sure if that helps, but it’s the truth!

  70. Ps you still have great recipes!

  71. I came upon your blog through Kath Younger’s post in Open Sky which was selling Warrior Crunch as a fundraiser (the granola is DELICIOUS)! Anyway, I’m interested in recipes and health and that’s why I subscribed to your blog. Although I’m sorry that you are going through this, I appreciate reading your perspective of the disease and the treatments. Sending healing thoughts.

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