On this day…

Well, it is nearing midnight which means this day is almost over. I don’t have any big announcement, giveaway, or candle in a bowl of oatmeal to mark this day. Just a slight nod of the head and tip of the cap to the year that was.

One year ago, on July 14, 2009, I started a new blog. I’d been blogging for six months prior about my journey to my first triathlon. Once that was done, The Great Balancing Act was born as a way to continue my chronicles of leading a happy, healthy, balanced life. Special shout-out to Ellie who came up with the blog name!

To say a lot has changed since I began this blog one year ago would be an understatement. If someone had told me one year ago that this is what I’d be doing, where I’d be sitting, while typing up this blog post, I wouldn’t have believed it. Only because one year ago I don’t think I was capable of doing the things I’m doing today. But each day that has passed since has been a day of growth.

Here’s a measly selection of some of the year’s most notable occasions:

I moved into my first bachelor apartment.

I quit my job as a radio reporter, and left without turning back.

Took a job at Starbucks AND decided I want to be a personal trainer

Received an e-mail landing me a sweet position at my old university.

Almost burned my house down

Ended a four-year relationship

Celebrated one year of blogging

Announced I was moving from my home province of New Brunswick to Toronto

Took a personal training course

Took care of the world’s cutest dog (I’m biased)

Passed my personal training exam

Moved back home for a month

Left home and took off to a great adventure in Banff.

Lived with my sister for two weeks in Ottawa.

Made a new home in Toronto

Got my first job as a personal trainer

And that last link is from yesterday’s post. Today, I spent the day being shown the ropes at the new gym I’ll be training at. I can’t believe how my life has changed since I began this little blog one year ago. All I can say is that I enter this next year with open arms.

Bring it. ;)

Posted on July 15, 2010, in Fun and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 38 Comments.

  1. Happy blogiversary! Sounds like you’ve had a great year – I’ve loved following and will continue to :)

  2. Congrats on a successful year and all the best on your next one!

  3. What a year! Congrats on the new job in your new city! Toronto seems like quite a place. I’d love to visit Canada someday. Excited to meet you at HLS. :)

  4. nancyrunswild

    It’s been an amazing year for you. Congrats!

  5. great post. so glad i’ve been there for it all. love you so much! and congrats on the new gig, you are awesome!

  6. ahh love this post! When people ask me where I see myself a year from now, I can honestly say I have no idea.. because a year ago, I NEVER would have guessed I’d be doing what I am now. I’m excited for you and look forward to hearing all about the new job (esp. since I’m currently studying for my CPT exam)!

  7. Happy blogiversary! Thats just totally amazing what you have achieved in one year, very inspiring!

  8. Happy 1yr blog day! And what a year it has been, I can only hope that by september I will be listing off some great achievements too! x x

  9. Wow! Congrats on all you have achieved this past year! I’m sure the future will be full of great things for you :D

  10. What a year! I love your blog, keep up the awesome job with it!!


  11. CONGRATS! I’ve only been reading your blog for about two months but it is something I never miss! I read it every morning. Your blog is full of inspiration and has me smiling and laughing. If I lived in Toronto I would hire you to be my trainer! You have inspired me to get back to exercising after an injury. It is slow going but I’m taking it one day at a time. Thank you!

  12. starsinthecity

    Happy Blogaversary! You’ve packed a lot into the last year, can’t wait to see how the next one goes in the Tdot!

  13. Congratulations on this big day!

  14. Bring it, baby! You rock!

  15. Happy Blog Anniversary! And congrats on the new job, too. :)

  16. That’s so amazing Susan! What a year you’ve had and it just seems to be getting better and better! Gotta love it! I’m so glad I found you AND your blog!

  17. congrats on the 1 year girl! it’s been so much fun following you on your journey and you’ve got to be SO proud of yourself! can’t wait to see what fun adventures you can into this year!!

    p.s. SO amped for you for the new job!!

  18. AH I LOVE THIS POST . . . and congratulations on the new job, can’t wait to hear about it

  19. Congrats on your blog-iversary! It was great to meet you on Tuesday, and I’m super excited for Sunday! This post came at a great time, now I can go back and read all the highlights!

  20. WOW! It is amazing what can happen in one year. Congrats on the blog anniversary and for landing your new personal training gig! So exciting.

  21. Time flies, doesn’t it? Congratulations on all that you’ve accomplished in the last year! It’s very inspiring to follow along and witness you truly living your life- thank you for sharing your adventures with us. :)

  22. You know, I love that I’ve followed you for the past year ( more than that because I started following you pretty much from the beginning of Trying for a Tri) You are my little friend that dosn’t know me. I think your sweet. Keep writing, so many of us love following you!

  23. Wow! I was impressed that you were willing to meet a stranger (me!) in Kensington Market, but thats nothing on all you’ve done this year! Hope you feel pretty impressed with your impressive year. I see a lot more of great things coming your way!

  24. Happy blogiversary and congrats on your amazing year of growth! I’m sure things will only keep getting better :)

  25. Happy anniversary! Look at how much you’ve accomplished. Amazing. :)


  26. I got so excited for you after reading this post. So many exciting opportunities and new things happening. So great! Congrats on your one year anniversary. :)

    Here’s to many great ones!

  27. isnt it amazing how much we can grow and change in one year?!?! you are totally rocking it…can’t wait to hear all about your new job and new city!

  28. Woo!!! Congrats on everything. You deserve all the good things this past year has brought you. :)

    And thanks for the Twitter welcome.

  29. I remember SO MUCH of this stuff like it was yesterday! The kitchen, oh my, I definitely remember that one!

    Just catching up with you….CONGRATS on the new job! I am so happy for you, oldest blogging buddy! :)

  30. hugs, love, congratulations and the best to you in the year ahead my friend!

    and i love that i can actually call you that, because ya know – we like hung out in banff together :)

  31. happy anniversary! :D

    i’m a pretty new reader so of course, i had to read up on your major events. your scary experience with fire definitely caught my eye. gaaah.

    its awesome that you got a job you seem pumped about! i hope you get to be one of those lucky people who look forward to going to work instead of just tolerating it. :P

  32. and look where you are today!! amazing journey! it is so fun to look back at your life tthrough blogging, isn it??! cant wait to see what this year holds for you!

  33. Happy blogiversary!! I’ve been a follower since you started!

  34. I know I’m a day late, but would you believe I follow the Julian calendar so I’m actually a week early? No?
    I’ve only been reading the past five months, but even in those months you’ve packed in more than many people pack into 5 years! I see I missed a lot in the seven months prior. I love the blog, I especially enjoy the posts about gym exercises (as that’s where I need the most help), and I’m looking forward to seeing what you can pack into the next 12 months.
    Congrats on the blog and the new job :)

  35. Love, love your story. You are amazing!

  36. This post makes me smile. everything abut it is perfect. Happy anniversary my love!

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