Vegan Waffles: Do Not Try This At Home

Le sigh.

To be honest, I wasn’t that nervous entering vegan week. I knew I had a bunch of delicious vegan recipes up my sleeve. There was no way I would go hungry.

But there was one nagging issue.


I mean, I’m the self-proclaimed Waffle Queen. Waffles are what I do. I often make waffles without the use of cow’s milk. But I rarely make waffles without eggs.


I searched the internets, finding picture upon picture of successful egg-free attempts.

Just leave out the eggs? Just like that? No chia egg or flax egg?

I started up the waffle maker. Mixed up my flour, vegan protein powder, baking powder, cinnamon, vanilla, coconut oil and almond milk.

I waited. Made coffee. Then it happened.


The split.

The worst thing that could happen when making a waffle is for the thing to split down the middle, sticking to both sides of the press. I was screwed.


Parts of the middle were still a little mushy, so I threw it into a frying pan and scrambled the vegan mess.


In all fairness, the batter was downright delicious. Made only better by topping with toasted sliced almonds, coconut, blueberries and maple syrup. It was more than edible and filled my belly. Which in most cases would be a success.


But this is my second waffle fail in a row. I would like to blame my waffle iron, but it still churns out waffled pieces of art for my roommie. I would like to blame the recipes, perhaps I should stop experimenting and stick to what I know. At this rate, I’m going to develop a waffle complex.


At least I can still make a mean cup of coffee. Thank god coffee is vegan ;)

In other news, I am off to Ottawa tomorrow!

I’m taking the train for the first time ever.

To hang out with this girl…

Sister Sara.

And this girl…

Soeur Jane.

I hope to do something I’ve been dreaming of since I was a kid.

Skate on the canal in our country’s capital!

And hopefully eat more Elgin Street Diner poutine.


Veganweekwhat?? :P


Question of the Day: What is one dish you feel intimidated to make? Right now croissants are at the top of my list. But I hope to tackle them soon!

Posted on February 9, 2011, in Challenges, Waffle Wednesday and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. I have to be honest about three things.
    1.) I had eggs this morning and they were delicious and
    2.) If a recipe has more than five ingredients, I am intimidated.
    3.) I don’t know if Sara is really your sister or a nun.
    At any rate, have fun on your journey!

    • Baaahaha. Fun fact: I used to take piano lessons from French nuns and we all called them them “Soeur” so-and-so (French for sister). I never made that connection!

      But no, they’re not nuns ;)

      • I figured as much, and not just because I had four years of French at one point in my life. ;) The lack of “habit” kind of gave it away…

  2. Sorry the waffles were a fail!

    I keep wanting to make french macarons – the real ones, not the coconut ones. They kind of scare me, though.

    I love Ottawa! We used to jet up there from college (Potsdam) and go ice skating and eat beaver tails :D

  3. I had to work my butt off in order to come up with both GF AND Vegan pancakes. Take out the gluten, take out the animal products, i.e eggs and milk, and it’s very hard to get a batter that works. I think i succeeded and it could probably be used as waffle batter too. It has coconut oil and PB in it…so it has enough fat to make up for the lack of animals + gluten. But yes, it took me a lifetime, not kidding, to come up with that :)

    Have fun in Ottowa!!!!!!!

  4. I’ve experienced the dreaded split a few times too, and that is what keeps me from making waffles because the clean up job is so much more tedious! Croissants sound intimidating, but I’m also a bit intimidated by bagels. I tried once and they turned out like rocks with holes in the middle!
    Have a great time in Ottawa! :)

  5. Ugh..I hated, HATED making croissants in culinary school! it was so much work and they had to be perfect since I was getting graded on them. I totally buy them now, no shame!

    Making waffles is tricky, but at least you tried. I’ve had way too many failures in the kitchen. But I learn from them. I’m still vert afraid of making lobsters, just because they need to be alive before you cook them and I always end up with bitchy, snappy ones (pun very much intended!).

    • I’ve never done lobsters before – and I grew up next to the lobster capital of the world! I remember my parents used to buy them live off the boat and put them in the bathtub. They scared the CRAP out of me as a child. We do a lobster feast every summer in Shediac – and I still fully plan to stay out of the kitchen for that one ;)

  6. I can not for the life of me make pancakes. They either are undercooked, overcooked, dry, too moist, etc. I fail. ;)

  7. How is I have been a waffle making champion and never figured out why the split sometimes happen. You have seriously saved my breakfasts once again Susan.

  8. ahhah sorry for the waffle fail! it still looks good with all the fixings though!.. im way too intimidated to make my own almond milk or anything like that!

  9. Too bad about that waffle! Maybe try with a flax egg next time?

    I’m very jealous of your upcoming Ottawa adventures :)

    I used to think croissants were intimidating too. Then we made them in school. They’re no piece of cake but they’re not necessarily hard either, they just require a lot of attention!

    I am nervous about making gluten-free bread!!


  10. Boo Hoo for your waffle! At least you were able to rescue it and ended up enjoying its flavor.

  11. I’ve never been very good with waffles or pancakes. I think with pancakes I always let the pan get too hot.

    The thing I am intimidated to make is gluten free phyllo dough. I found an instructional video and honestly just watching it was exhausting. I was never very good with rolling things out so I think this is a lost cause for me!

  12. Oh no! I must say, both of your “waffle fail scrambles” look downright delicious, though.

    I love taking the Via Rail!! And am rather envious that you are going to skate on the Rideau Canal – I’ve never done it (it wasn’t frozen yet when I was working there last term) and I LOVE skating. Amusez-vous bien!

  13. Wordless Waffles??

    Looks like you made the most of the situation. :)

  14. Well it may not be the prettiest thing you ever ate, but at least it still taste good, right? And have fun in Ottawa (and on the train)!! My friend went skating on the canal last week and said it was such a fun experience :)
    I’m absolutely terrified of making my own bread dough. I think this is due to a) ignorance surrounding yeast and leveners and b) lack of patience
    I think I need to master this fear though…

  15. I haven’t tried vegan waffles yet… I just didn’t know how they’d do without an egg.

    I hope you have a fun weekend away!

  16. I’ve always wanted to skate the canal. Despite being in a long distance rltshp with someone who lived on Ottawa I have never done it. Have fun!!

  17. have SO SO SO SO SO much fun with your sisters! i want to join you and come skate and eat poutine and laugh to our heart’s delight. happy weekend to you dear susan :)

  18. your vegan waffle looks like something that would happen to me, for sure. i’m impressed you are going to attempt croissants. i’m still nervous about no-knead bread.

  19. I love waffles. I’d be scared as hell to attempt to make croissants! That is terrifying. I find a lot of pastries are scary though.

  1. Pingback: Vegan Waffles and Thing I Love to Hate | Eden's Eats

  2. Pingback: Waffle Wednesday Revisited « The Great Balancing Act

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