And just like that, my life changed…

Hello everyone! Those of you following me on Facebook or Twitter know that I suffered a pretty bad accident on Friday.

What should have been a fabulous day skating…

Turned into a three-day hospital stay:

That’s me looking attractive post surgery. Greasy hair, oxygen line, pee-bag and all.

Because I’m limited to one hand, the details are coming to you in point form:

  • After a wobbly start on the ice, I managed to skate the full length of the 7km Rideau Canal.
  • Just as I was turning around to skate back at the 7km mark, I lost my balance, falling backwards directly onto my elbow.
  • The second my elbow hit the ice, I knew something was wrong. Well, that and I was immobile with pain and yelling.
  • Two people sitting on a bench just watched me as I crawled off the ice all by myself. I will never forget that.
  • I managed to get my skates off and tie my sneakers with one hand. I walked off the canal to the nearest intersection and called a cab to take me to the hospital. It was in a residential area and I was sick with pain and shock. Waiting was a challenge.
  • Why I thought wearing knee pads and not elbow pads was a good idea I’ll never know…


  • My sister Sara rushed to the hospital as soon as I got there (she was at work as it was a Friday afternoon)
  • The original wait wasn’t that bad and I got in for my first x-ray quickly. I was wearing two really nice long sleeve technical shirts that I refused to cut off. A lot of pain and screaming ensued and I was promptly given painkillers.
  • The x-rays revealed a severe fracture and I was told it would have to be operated on. I went for a second round of x-rays, which revealed a severe fracture at my radial head and a piece of my elbow broke off. Thankfully, an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in elbows was on call for Saturday, so they admitted me into the hospital Friday night.
  • It was then that they told me I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink until surgery and I was left with an IV diet.
  • I went into surgery around noon on Saturday. My first time ever undergoing anaesthetic, or open surgery for that matter. The drugs kicked in quickly. What was supposed to be a two hour surgery turned into five, and I don’t remember anything until being pushed through a hallway at 5:30.
  • The only scary parts of surgery were waking up with an oxygen mask on and a pee bag inserted. Fun times.
  • They let me eat a meal of broth, apple juice and jello afterward. The effect it had on my energy levels was amazing. They kept me in the hospital again Saturday night. I was in and out of it all night with only one really bad episode of pain.
  • Talked to my surgeon Sunday and got the scoop on my condition and why the surgery took so long. Apparently I smashed a lot of the cartilage off. They had to remove the elbow and try to reassemble the pieces. Surgeon said one of the worst he’s seen. Right now it’s being held together with three screws in hopes that my young healthy cartilage will grow back. If not, I’ll have to get a prosthetic for my radial head.
  • I went 40 hours without solid food. Ugh.
  • I’ve got a cast on for 1-2 weeks. I’ll know more after my follow up appointment 0n Friday here in Ottawa. I’m no longer in hospital and staying here at my sister’s until next weekend at least.
  • Suffice it to say, I won’t be skating again for a while.

  • Thankfully it’s my left elbow and I’m right handed. So I can still eat and type, just slower.
  • I’ll know more after my first follow-up, but it’ll be around three weeks until I can start physiotherapy with flexion/extension of the elbow. Rotation will be several more weeks. And lifting anything with it could take 6 months.
  • Work is obviously on hold for the time being. My number one concern right now is dealing with the pain as my body adjusts to its new metal parts. I don’t have the mental or physical energy to stress about anything else right now.
  • My active lifestyle as I know it is forever changed. And I’m okay with that. I trust the universe knows what its intentions for me are, and I am more than capable of moving on and dealing with the cards I’ve been dealt.
  • If you have any mindless movie recommendations, leave them below.
  • I have a pre-written post scheduled to go up tomorrow. It’s a fun one and couldn’t let current circumstances prevent it from being read.
  • THANK YOU for the tweets, messages, comments and e-mails. I was attached to my cellphone all weekend in the hospital bed and reading them helped my spirits immensely xoxo


Posted on February 13, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 103 Comments.

  1. Oh Susan!! Sending you virtual hugs, flowers, and get better soon wishes. What an ordeal! I’m sure your young healthy body will recover quickly. Take care!!!

  2. I’ve been thinking of you and hoping surgery went well. You sure are taking this 100X better than I would–so awesome. Thinking good thoughts!

    As for mindless movies–any chick flick works for me! :) Because I Said So, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

  3. Aw, love! I am sick to my stomach worried about you! I’m really motivated by your positive spirit. I LOVE YOU! Rest up! Do you do Netflix Instant? If not, you might want to invest in it. While Huz was gone, I watched Season 1 and 2 of “Lie to me”. They also have all the Nip/Tucks, Desperate Housewives, and a ton of trashy chick flicks.

  4. Wow, I am so sorry to hear about the accident but it seems like you are in good spirits so that is great! I will be thinking good thoughts for your recovery and strength!

    Mindless movies…agree with Maria above, any chick flicks or 80’s movies with Molly Ringwald!

  5. oh my god! Good luck. :S that’s horrible. Fingers crossed it all turns out alright for you. I can’t believe that happened skating…

  6. I’m so sorry to hear about your elbow. I have to say though, you really have maintained a great outlook throughout this whole ordeal, so kudos to you for that! I know it could not be easy. Hang in there! :)

  7. Susan-

    I just want to say I am so sorry. I am sending thoughts, prayers and tons of chocolate your way. You are the up most bravest person ever and I am so hurt for you that people watched you walk off the ice like that. I could try right now for you.

  8. I just can’t believe that two people watched and didn’t help you. That makes me so incredibly sad at the world. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe how bad the break was. You must be in so much pain!

    Andy (my husband) had surgery on his elbow over the summer and I helped him through the healing process. He also didn’t have surgery on the dominant arm which was awesome. A few months later and it’s feeling way better.

    Mindless movies are a must right now. The Holiday, Julie and Julia, Beaches, High Fidelity, episodes of Dexter, Big Love, Grey’s Anatomy and Freaks and Geeks.

    I will be thinking of you and sending heathy cartilidge and healing thoughts your way. Be good to yourself right now.

  9. Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry to hear this happened to you!! The fact that you already have such a positive attitude is amazing. Good luck with everything! <3

  10. I’m so sorry to hear about your injury. I’m glad you are slowly recovering and you are bubbly as always. :)

  11. shivers susan. big big hugs!

    thinking of you sweetheart

  12. I cannot believe you typed all of this with one hand!! You are a trooper! I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. All that pain and 40 hours without solid food cannot be fun. I hope you’ve got some waffles planned to make up for it! Rest up and I hope you’re pain free soon. <3 Hugs! <3

    And eff those two jerks that just sat there watching you! I would have shouted at them for being despicable human beings as I walked by to get a cab!

    I’m sorry you’ve experienced this. Accidents like this that you’re not expecting are traumatizing. Give yourself plenty of time to rest. As someone who has had 2 surgeries in my life trust me: you will NOT have energy or feel up for much of anything for several weeks. Expect exhaustion. The anesthesia made me sick so that added to it for me. :(

    I had to have surgery on the ligament in my ankle years ago and was in several types of casts for about 8 weeks. You will adapt and figure out ways to get around it as the time goes by.

    I’ve been thinking of you all weekend! Hang in there. Get lots of books from the library, I suggest Netflix like Leah did. If you need recommendations I’ve got like 20! :)

  14. I’m so glad you are alright! Oy vey, that was an intense couple of days!!

    But on a lighter note, I must say I am really impressed with how much you were able to type with one hand!

    I’m praying for a speedy recovery for you!

  15. How devastating! I’m so glad that it sounds like you had such good care, and I hope you recover quickly. I’m always a big fan of Law & Order marathons when I’m under the weather.

  16. Susan, I’m so sorry to hear about this accident. It seems you have a great attitude regardless of the circumstances, so good for you!

    I broke my left elbow also many years ago. I was in a cast for 10 weeks and it eventually healed again. The only bad effects are that my elbow is pretty badly hyperextended now and it will be forever. I’m praying that your elbow heals nicely and you’ll be back to your normal self very soon!

  17. Holy crapoly.
    I am not your Facebook “friend” and I don’t “tweet,” so this is news to me. Really crappy news! Even though it might not seem like it’s possible, it could have been worse and your head could be filled with metal parts as we speak. This will sound lame, but hang in there.
    No matter how many times I’ve seen them, “Forgetting Sarah Marshall,” “Zoolander” and “Anchorman” never fail to make me laugh. I’ve seen them a million times. I swear I like “real” movies too, but those are mindless and fun.

  18. Christina @ Food.Fitness.Fun.

    I can’t believe this happened to you :( A coworker of mine broke her elbow last year and I know it was a tough recovery so I hope yours goes speedily and smoothly! If you’re coming back to the Tdot and I can help out at all (rides, groceries, poutine deliveries etc) please ask!

  19. Oh my goodness, that accident sounded like it was horrible. I hope that you get well soon and recover quickly! And I’m sure you will since you have such a positive attitude about it all. :)

    Mindless movies will definitely help entertainment-wise, as well as lots and lots of seasons of tv shows! (If you haven’t seen Desperate Housewives, it’s one that will hook you right away!)

  20. Oh gosh Susan, that is just terrible. I’m so sorry! You are such a good sport though – in much better spirits than I imagine I would be. Thank god you take such great care of your body though – I’m sure you’ll bounce back even quicker than expected.

    Hmm, movie suggestions? How about a TV show I recommend – 5 seasons of Supernatural should keep you busy for a while!

    Feel better and of course you are in my prayers!
    Nicole G

  21. Susan, I’m so sorry! I know I haven’t been commenting but I always read and love your positive and strong outlook. I’m not surprised that you are staying just as strong and positive through this. Sending you lots of good thoughts! Hang in there. P.S. I love the movie Moonstruck. It gets me every time!

  22. Holy shit girl! I am so incredibly sorry to hear this! I’m going to write up a whole list of movies and books for you!

  23. So glad to hear that you are finally home! I wish you to get well soon..And for those jerks who let you down, i wish hell….There is a law in this country that obligate you to help people in need for god sake! Oh well…. To watch, may I suggest you the series Modern family, Grey’s anatomy and Private practice, Dexter and Royal Pains. Any chick film will do the job,and the the Back to the future trilogy is a must! That should keep you occupied for a while. I suggest to read too, why not?The book Replay, from Ken Grimwood, should distract you AND make you think..:) Get wellxx

  24. Oh my gosh! Sounds like you’ve had quite the crazy weekend. I hope that your recovery goes well. Just keep your chin up.

    Movies you should watch: High Fidelity, Match Point and Stranger than Fiction

  25. Oh honey…I’ve been thinking about you. Hugs! Let’s see if I can come up with any movies that other haven’t (although I didn’t t read through the comments)
    Fools Rush In
    Clerks (or Mallrats or any Kevin Smith movie)
    The American President (ok, just cuz it’s my favorite)
    South Park: The Movie
    The Queen (not a “dumb” movie but a good one)
    Half Baked

  26. Sending you HUGE “get well” thoughts. For movies, as I am a lover of all things Gwenyth Paltrow, so rent Sliding Doors and Duets and I promise you that you will be laughing and feeling better :)

  27. omg Susan my heart aches for you. My breath was taken away as I kept on reading this post.
    I can’t believe what an amazing attitude you have about this. Instead of cursing the world you’re looking at it from as positive perspective as one could.
    Praying/sending good thoughts that your recovery is as speedy and painless as possible!!!

  28. Oh god Susan! I saw all your tweets but had NO idea you were skating alone and had to take yourself to the hospital. That is so so sad and scary, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I can’t believe those two people just watched you crawl off the ice :( :(

    I’m really glad you’re OK and your super positive attitude is very inspiring. Sending good thoughts!!

  29. Omg girl, so glad you’re ALIVE and OKAY. Praying for you.

  30. Oh, dear, I’ve been thinking about you all weekend! Not light watching, but I highly recommend watching The Wire–it’s an incredible series.

    PS: E-mail or Facebook me your address…I’m going to be near a Trader Joe’s next week and I think you will require some snacks for proper healing!

  31. Oh Susan, I am so sorry about this accident, but you are so resilient and optimistic and I love that you are trusting the universe. I’m glad to hear you’re safe and being taken care of at your sister’s – there’s nothing better than having family nearby. I wish I were in Ottawa to bring you soup and hemp brownies from The Wild Oat (if you haven’t had one yet, you should request Sarah bring you one – they will immediately make you feel better).

    I’m appalled that two people WATCHED you crawl off the ice. That pisses me off to an extent I didn’t know was possible. Especially in Ottawa. Although, it doesn’t totally surprise me – while I found most people in Ottawa to be kind and friendly, a few were cold, obtuse, and living in a bubble. Kinder souls will surround you in the future.

    Love and hugs, and wishing you lots of healing.



    • Wish you were still here Darryn! I could use an extra person to bring me Bridgehead! ;) I saw on Facebook that you’re doing Power of Movement. I have to talk to them, but I’d love for you to take on my donations and carry it on for me!

  32. Susan… I can’t even believe that happened to you! I also can’t believe you got yourself off the ice by yourself with people watching you and untied your skates! What is up with that?! You are seriously one brave and outstanding person ( always thought so) but that takes the cake. You are right that there is something in the cards for you. You will probably end up writing a book or something.. if you do I will read it! I am thinking about you and sending you healing vibes.
    PS. My fav movie to watch when I am sick or having a rough go is Steel Magnolias…. classic 80’s with Julia Roberts. I cry my face off every time… in a good way! :)

  33. I wish I could punch those people on the bench for you!

    You’re so amazing at staying glass half full :) feel better girl! We’re all here with any kind of support you need!

  34. oh girl. thinking of you…

  35. So the weekend I swear off twitter and facebook to be more productive and this happens. Speedy recovery please!

  36. I am quiet reader of your blog and was sharing your anticipation of skating…so sad to hear you are hurt ( and karma will get those people that just watched) I hope all the good wishes and happy thoughts flooding your way from everyone give you comfort (especially before that next pain pill kicks in.) Take care and I look forward to reading about your remarkable recovery. Good thoughts and stay positive.

  37. I’m still sad that this is how your life long Rideau Canal dream played out like that! :(

    Here is the good news – it gets better.

    I broke my arm when I was in undergrad. Slipped on black ice, cleared the ground, and landed with the full weight of my body on my left arm.

    It was horrible. I couldn’t turn my arm and I coudn’t hold anything. It took a long time but I regained full mobility.

    You’ll get there. It will just take a while! :)

    BTW – if you have Netflix I recommend the “Monarch of the Glen” series!

  38. I saw this on Facebook and twitter. I’m sorry hun :(. Sounds like ouy are in good spirts–youll be recovered before you know it.

  39. That injury sounds painful but your positive spirit is so inspiring Susan! I have every hope that you will be back to your 100% self in no time! Sending lots of positive energy your way!

  40. OH MY GOSH, what a scary experience!! I’ve never even broken a bone…cannot imagine how painful that must be.

    Wishing you all the best in your recovery- keep that positive outlook!

    For somewhat mindless movies, I recommend:
    scott pilgrim vs. the world
    whip it!
    julie and julia
    when harry met sally
    nick and norah’s infinite playlist

  41. Oh dear! Susan, I am sending you lots of positive vibes and well wishes. If you have never watched Sons of Anarchy or Big Love, they are fantastic shows to pass the time :)

  42. Um, holy balls, how did you manage to type SUCH a long bulleted list with ONE hand? Props on that, first of all. Second, I am so sorry about your accident! You have a great attitude! And what’s better, is you are a healthy person already. When I had my accident and couldn’t use my left arm for 6 months, I was a beer drinking, cookie eating, non-exercising slob. The injury just let to worse habits. I think it is so, so beneficial that you have a healthy lifestyle established and although you can’t work out, you know how to eat and you will come through this hardship in the same awesome health you are going into it. Oh man, 40 hours and no food.. that blows. I am so glad you finally got to eat SOMETHING. I wish I could make you a waffle on Wednesday ;) I love you and you are a TROOPER. Hang in there and let me know if you need anything (that I am capable of giving you, that is)!

    • The one-handed typing keeps me concentrated on something besides the pain! Thought of you a lot over the weekend JG and how you pulled through your arm surgery. Hopefully I can be just as strong!

  43. yikes! sending you virtual hugs and good thoughts.

  44. Susan!!!! sending healing thoughts and vibes your way!!!
    I broke my humerous bone in a terrible head on accident and was in the hospital for four days post opp. Seriously, email, call, text, whatever if you need some emotional and not so emotional support!

  45. Susan–
    You are so resilient and this experience will make you stronger. Ultimately you will be able to connect more with clients who have recovered from painful injuries. It’s all temporary. Wishing you a smooth recovery.

  46. oh god, that sounds so awful susan. Sending you tons of hugs all the way from Ireland! you are so brave and strong and your perspective on this situation just shows how much of an amazing, strong person you are! I hope your recovery is as speedy as can be!
    Hang in there hun, thinking of you!

  47. Susan, I had no idea!!! I dont follow my FB or Twitter very well and so miss lots of things…I am soooo incredibly sorry for your accident. And for all the pain, suffering, and no doubt uncertainty, that the future brings you.

    This is so scary. I am so sorry.

    They say everything happens for a reason. Sometimes I wonder what the reason could be for your intense suffering and surgery and rehab and recooperation time….but your attitude in your final bullet points speaks volumes. You seem to be dealing with it all so well.

    If there is anything I can do to help you in any way, please lmk. I am here for you!!!

    love & health,

  48. Woah – sending good healing thoughts your way. Rest up and take care of yourself.

    As others above, I recommend Netflix. The selection is kind of lame but there’s some good stuff on there – I recommend Tudors, Lost in Austen. Lots of good documentaries. Red (not on netflix but fun anyways), Easy A.

  49. Oh Susan! I’m so sorry that this happened to you!!! I hope you have a speedy recovery and feel better soon. I can’t believe that those people just watched you while you were trying to get up. They’ll get their karma for sure.

    If you have a Wii, you can get netflix through there, otherwise on your computer. Canadian netflix isn’t as great as US netflix, but there’s a lot of CBC shows on there, like the Tudors, and Being Erica (my fave!) and a whole bunch of romantic-comedy type movies to choose from. I also suggest watching some good tv shows on dvd, like Alias, Glee, Grey’s, Arrested Development, Bones, ER, Burn Notice, Veronica Mars.

    Hope you feel better soon!!

  50. Hugs and healthy thoughts coming your way.

  51. Oh my gosh, Susan! I’m so glad you’re okay despite the elbow! Wow! If you need anything, just let me know, I believe we don’t live too far from each other! I also have several hundred movies you’re welcome to borrow at any time! We’re big movie buffs in this house! But mostly we watch kung fu movies and bad ’70’s Grindhouse flicks…but Grindhouse flicks are GREAT for mindless viewing!

    Take care girl!

  52. That’s crazy and scary :( I can’t believe that those people just sat there and watched. How very un-Canadian.

    I hope your follow up appointments bring good news and I wish you a very speedy recovery.

  53. Ugh, what a sucky situation! I’m glad you’re at least doing better know and you sound optimistic which is great and so important! I’m thinking of you! [And you totally have to let me sign your cast ;)]

    lots of love!! xoxo

  54. Seriously, what a bunch a a-holes for just watching you be in such pain! I would love to be able to track down people like that and give them the big “thank-you” that they deserve. I’m glad you were in a town with your sister at least, so you have some family to help.
    Mindless movies and TV shows- Burn Notice, Leverage, and Lost in Austen (great BBC miniseries), MI-5 or called Spooks in Britain (another great BBC series)

  55. I hope you make a speedy recovery. Your attitude is in the right spot, staying positive!

  56. oh my goodness! I am so sorry, but you are at least sounding like quite the trooper!! Just think of all the good posts you will have about how to workout with an injury :) Seriously I really hope you are able to heal quickly and without much pain.

    people who just watch when others get hurt really stink and as someone said to me, karma..well it’s a…you know.

  57. I’m so, so sorry! I can’t believe those people didn’t help you. Awful! I hope your recovery is smooth and painless girl!

  58. I can’t get over how horrible it was of those people to not help you! I’d like to think that I would never get to a point in my life where I was so selfish and self absorbed that I could just sit on a bench and watch someone suffer! :(

    I hope you feel better speedy quick! In the meantime I have to go with the instant Netflix recommendations. I love watching TV shows on there. Especially the IT Crowd, Coupling, Dead Like Me, Arrested Development, and Dexter. As for mindless movies I like Youth in Revolt, Stranger than Fiction, Dinner for Schmucks, I Love You Man, Role Models, Kick Ass, and tons more that I can’t think of right now!

  59. For someone so young you are so wise. As long as I have read your blog you have always impressed me with wisdom beyond your years and this post is no exception which is truly amazing given your circumstances.
    Nothing else matters except your health and everything else will fall into place. (That is not a pun!)
    Please know that over the coming days you will be in the thoughts of many of your loyal readers and even though we can’t visit you in Ottawa we will be thinking about you and wishing you well in your recovery.
    Take care and Happy Valentine’s Day!

  60. Oh my gosh Susan, I didn’t realize that you were all alone while you were skating and had to cab to the hospital by yourself – I thought you were with your sister! I can’t believe people watched you in such pain and didn’t even try to help at all or even ask you if you were okay :( That’s just not okay at all, karma will for sure come back to bite them in the ass.

    I’m glad to hear that you’re doing better, and I hope that your body recovers quickly. If you need anything when you’re back in Toronto, just let me know <3

  61. Oh my gosh! Horrible, horrible, horrible! I hope you recover quickly and with as little pain as possible. All the best to you.

  62. Oh my god, Susan … I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better, though. I hope you recover quickly! Take care!

  63. I am so sorry to hear about this, Susan! My thoughts and prayers are with you for a fast and complete recovery. You have an amazing attitude and I sincerely believe that will help you heal better than anything. If you don’t know of Eddie Izzard, you should definitely rent Dress to Kill- your tummy will hurt from laughing! :)

  64. OMG Susan! I’m so sorry to read this post but glad to hear you sounding so positive and in relatively good spirits. What a scary experience…glad you are OKAY in the grand scheme of things…sending major good vibes your way!!!!

  65. Oh my goodness! My elbow hurts just reading this. I hope you have a speedy recovery!! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  66. Oh my gosh Susan! I’m so sorry. It sounds so painful. I can’t believe those two people just watched you. That is so saddening. Take care of yourself- sending healthy healing vibes your way!

  67. Oh no, I am so sorry your day didn’t go as planned and you are in pain- feel better soon!

  68. Oh you poor thing, I was following you on twitter over the weekend, and feel so bad for you. No lifting for 6 months! You are an amazing person to still be so positive. I wish you a super speedy recovery :)

  69. Ouch. Wishing you a safe and fast recovery far away from ice rinks! So sorry to hear about your injury! I’ve had my fair share of them and know how frustrating dealing with them can be!! Sending you tons of positive thoughts and virtual hugs xo

  70. Been thinking about you since the first tweet I saw from you. I don’t even know what to say- except that I am thinking about you (and now I am talking in circles…guess I am out of the practice of this commenting thing!) My inclination is to say how sorry I am. And I am. But I really loved what you said about the universe and it struck a chord with me because you said the exact same thing when I first got injured last summer. But still. No two ways about it, this sucks for now. Glad you are with your sisters and getting some TLC- ENJOY the rest. Mindless movies- am all about short sitcoms personally. Dharma and Greg, Everybody Loves Raymond, Scubs (OMG- best show ever). If you can find some British stand-up comedy online, a zillion times funnier than American (sorry, US friends!) and Tim Minchin.

    Meanwhile, rest up, eat good food and let people pamper you! Oh and master the art of opening a beer with one hand ;)

  71. Oh my gosh! I had no idea, as I didn’t see your tweet. I can’t believe no one helped you!! I’m so sorry you had to deal with so much pain, but glad you’re on the mend. Hang in there, girl.

  72. I am so sorry to hear about your accident Susan! I am inspired by your positive attitude, and wish you a smooth and speedy recovery!

  73. Oh my gosh! Susan, I had no idea! i hope you’re doing better. What a traumatic experience. I am so glad you’re ok. I will def be thinking about you and praying for a swift and painless recovery. xoxo

  74. OMG I was so shocked reading this! Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you get well soon!

  75. Sending good thoughts your way! I hope you are doing well and will keep praying for you to recover quickly.

  76. I am so sorry to hear this! I wish you a safe and fast recovery! And I hope you are able to eat chocolate today!

  77. Susan. Let me know what I can do when you are back in Toronto. Can help anyone you need. I have practice with hospital and being stuck in bed (six months last year) and suggest: mad men, 30 rock, gretchen rubin happiness project… and mainly meditation (good for pain too. download kabat zin or jack kornfield . I have a lot of good books too on this- full catastrophe living). I typed this with two hands and way worse than what you wrote! lots of love. cathy

    • Thank you Cathy! I have an aunt in Toronto who I may stay with my first few days back. I’ll definitely be in Ottawa for the next week, then return if I’m feeling confident enough to travel. Depends on what the surgeon says this week. Been practicing breathing techniques to get me through the more serious bouts of pain. Will definitely look into downloading those!

  78. This made me want to cry that nobody helped you!

    You are young and strong and I know you will heal fast!

  79. Wow, Susan! I am SO SORRY (Jay is too ~ I read him your post and he was cringing saying awww, poor baby). I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through or how you resisted not telling those people off. I probably would’ve made some smart @$$ comment in pain of course :) I know that you will pull through this and still be the active, kick butt trainer that you are now and probably with more drive. Take care of you and let me know if there is anything I can do at all (I can send some Annie’s your way) :)

    Love and Hugs!

    Danica & Jay too

    P.S. I am super impressed you typed all that with 1 hand. If you need any guest posts, I will be glad to send you some!

  80. Just caught up with this :( So, so sorry. Take care.

  81. :( So sorry about your elbow… life has a funny way of knocking you down a notch every now and then. I hope you recover quickly! If you’ve never watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, I suggest starting to catch up now!!

  82. wow..just got around to reading this now…hoping you recover swiftly! sending many positive and healthy vibes your way. xo

  83. Oh wow Susan, I’m so so sorry!! I’m sending positive thoughts your way!

  84. First off, how was I not following you on Twitter? I am now. :)

    OK, I’m caught up now – ice skating accident. Oh Susan, I am so sorry, but it sounds like you are handling the whole situation with a very positive attitude. Still can’t believe those people on the bench just sat there. Unbelievable.

    As far as movies go, not sure if you’re still looking for recommendations, but I finally watched The Social Network – it was entertaining, but I’m surprised it got nominated for so many awards. Also watched Easy A – funny, mindless, witty teen angst. :)

    • Thank you for all the sweet comments Heather, they were a treat to wake up to this morning :) I’ve stopped commenting on most blogs, but know I’m still following you and Summer!!

  85. I’m not sure if you are still responding to this blog. I just shattered my left elbow and broke both bones in my forearm 4 weeks ago. I had surgery 3 weeks ago and this is horrible. I was just wondering how you are doing with the healing process and if you have any tips. The doctor told me I have to work on moving the elbow but there is still so much swelling it makes it uncomfortable and it is bad in my hand. Anyway I hope you are doing well and have full mobility.


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  13. Pingback: Things I Learned In 2011 « The Great Balancing Act

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